She Wore The Name – February 2022
Interview with Sha’Neice Felder, Author of “Beautiful Light” 

Tell us, what made you become a writer?
I’ve always wanted to tell my story and share my knowledge with others. Me being a big sister, I’ve always needed an older sister to teach me how to be successful, at my talent as a writer and other aspirations that I have.

Awesome! Who, are your favorite Authors?
My favorite authors are: Barbra Park , R.L. Stine, David J.Scwartz, Jose and Lena stevens as well as, Robert Scwartz.

What, are who inspirers you to write?
What inspires me to write, is reading all the creative and informative books about real life situations. I’ve always enjoyed writing and coming up with alternative stories!

What is your favorite Genre?
My favorite genre of book would be self-elevation/spiritual and business 101.

Right at this moment, what would you like to tell the reading audience of She Wore The Name?
Once you’re self-aware and then tasking risk for a better life, doors will open.

Outstanding guidance! Are you preparing for a second book Sha’Neice?
I am currently pondering on creating a children book, ages 4+.

Inconclusion: What advice would give woman on how to wear their name?
Be bold and confident in everything you do; every day is a learning experience.

Thank you Sha’Neice!
Thank you so much for this opportunity, “Amazon Kindle is where Beautiful Light” can be purchased, be sure to leave a positive review.